The CAFADA project

The CAFADA project examines how innovation in social care might support children and young people impacted by domestic abuse.  It examines examples of innovative practice in social care, the domestic abuse and children’s sector, and the criminal justice sector, exploring how interventions are experienced by children, young people and their parents / carers, their outcomes, and their impact on the organisations within which they are embedded.   The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Over the four year duration of the research, the project team will work closely with children and young people to strengthen their involvement in both the research and the design, development and delivery of innovative practice within organisations.

We will also provide training and development opportunities to those working in social care, to build innovative practice in organisations’ responses to domestic abuse, to implement innovation, and to involve children and young people in such innovation.

We can’t wait to get started!  Do keep an eye on our blog for updates on developments in the project, and for training opportunities and other events.

Theme by the University of Stirling